2022 State Capital Bill Project Application

*Applications Due November 1, 2021 *

Application are due by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 1, 2021 for consideration in the 2022 Capital Bill.  Please email completed applications and supporting documentation to Michael McNamara at mmcnamara@clermontcountyohio.gov and copy Gael Fawley at jgfawley@clermontcountyohio.gov.

The Clermont County Port Authority, working in collaboration with the county’s General Assembly Delegation, will be making recommendations to the Ohio General Assembly as to what “community projects” should be submitted for funding by any capital appropriations bill introduced in the General Assembly in 2022.

The Port Authority has assembled an evaluation team to evaluate submitted projects and, working with the Clermont County General Assembly Delegation, to make recommendations to the General Assembly Delegation as to what projects should be submitted for funding by any capital appropriations bill.

To be eligible for funding by the State Capital Bill, a project must be one that can be underwritten by state tax-exempt bonds.  Generally speaking, a project should entail the construction or improvement of a capital asset that advances the functions undertaken by the government.  Projects such as the construction or improvement of buildings are eligible, while the purchase of motor vehicles is not.  Likewise, capital projects supporting social services, workforce development or parks are eligible for funding as community projects, because it is expected that these projects will be separately funded in the next capital bill.

Projects will be scored according to the following criteria, for a possible maximum total of 120 points:

Should you have any questions concerning this application, please contact Steve Tugend at (614) 462-5400 or stugend@keglerbrown.com.

Please click here to fill out and submit this form online.