Clermont County Port Authority Home

The Clermont County Port Authority (the Port) is a body corporate and politic established by the Board of County Commissioners as a tool to facilitate economic development in the community. The Port was established by the County Commissioners through Resolution 124-12 on July 16, 2012. The Port has a five-member board of directors with four-year staggered terms, and directors are appointed by the County Commissioners.

Currently there is no paid staff or dedicated physical office for the Port. Projects are managed by the staff of the Clermont County Department of Community & Economic Development. The Port received an initial $20,000 contribution from the County Commissioners to fund the operations as the organization was established, and it is anticipated that the Port will be self-sufficient on an ongoing basis through project fees.

Port Authority Meetings

The Port Authority Board of Directors sets a meeting schedule each calendar year which is subject to change and is based on the need to conduct official business.  Meetings are held on Wednesdays and start times are 2:00 PM EST unless otherwise noted.

In addition to this notice, all regular meetings and any special meeting are also posted on the Clermont County Commissioners public meeting calendar.  The public can attend the meeting in person at the Clermont County Administration Building, 101 East Main Street, Third Floor Conference Room, Batavia, Ohio.

Powers of the Port Authority

Port authorities are also authorized to exercise the power of eminent domain by the Ohio Revised Code. The County Commissioners, however, prohibited the Clermont County Port Authority from using eminent domain in the July 16, 2012 Resolution establishing the Port.

Additional Information:

HB377 Appalachian Community Grant Program


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  2. Commissioners make Port Authority appointments - […] The Port Authority was established by County Commissioners in 2012 to facilitate economic development in Clermont County. Under the…
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